Our gorgeous scruffy pup Riri has been through so much in her short life. Found by the side of the road in Romania in October, she and her two siblings had been hit by a car and left with serious injuries.
Riri suffered the most severe trauma - with two broken back legs, including a serious femur break, she needed multiple operations to repair her broken body.
Luckily, our girl is a fighter and had our amazing shelter managers Tony and Mari taking care of her. Thanks to their dedication and the support of our kind donors who covered her vet bills, Riri has bounced back to health.
Now a typical playful, goofy puppy who loves attention, 7-month-old Riri has been offered a home in the UK and will be heading over to start her lovely new life very soon.
Sibling Censura, who was also struck by the car, has been slightly less lucky with her recovery process - she popped her leg back out of the socket after playing too rough with Riri and is currently on crate rest while she heals (which she is not too happy about!)
Sadly, although he was less badly injured than the other two, we lost third sibling Bruce when he didn't respond to treatment.
We're hoping that Censura will be fully recovered in time to travel on our February transport so the surviving pair can stay together during their journey.
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